Fortunately, he has no reluctance to help and if there is lifting to be done or work at his grandparents he is prompt to pitch in. Today was a rare occasion when he had some work to do outside. After a decent-sized dump of snow, our parking stall required some attention before the end of the day and I started digging up the snow in the stall. The one next to ours was vacant as well, so I took on the extra space and set about pushing the powder aside and blasting at the icier pack that was at the edges of the stall and threatened to leave our car and a distinct slant when it finally parked. I took a break from that for a moment to assure a neighbour that the shovel I was using was the common one and beat a path so she could get her tiny Toyota Echo out of its stall and into the cookie dough of Calgary's streets.
When my wife came home at the end of the day with the Gabriel waving enthusiastically from the back seat, I knew I would have an assistant even though most of my work was done (and about to be covered by the parked car.) Gabriel was eager to get some shovelling in and headed inside to get the smaller common shovel, which is, oddly enough, just his size. He threw himself into his work on the vacant neighbouring stall as we cleared that out and with gas to burn after that, I turned our attention to the stall that the Echo had vacated a few moments earlier. As dusk approached and fell, the clear skies brought a brilliance to the occasion that made the work and day feel much warmer than they were. As we continued, I asked him to check with other people in the parking lot if they needed the shovels or needed some shovelling done, conscious of hogging the tools of ignorance to ourselves while other residents fought their way out.
We were good and free to carry on with our work. There was even a moment when Gabriel enthusiastically shouted out, "Teamwork," with as deep a voice as a five-year-old can muster. As darkness fell, he was undaunted and was eager to keep digging away wherever we could even though we had four stalls done at this point of the evening. After a while, he complained that he had a pain in his back and I suggested that it was muscles that he was not accustomed to using. He accepted my explanation despite a precocious skepticism about much that I say and continued on. The offer of supper did not even ease his efforts. He had a full head of steam and was in no mood to stop.
In the end, I hope there is a sense of connection with the people that he shovelled stalls for, even if the work goes unnoticed. He spoke about the exercise he was getting, but I hoped that my message about helping the neighbours slipped past his skepticism as easily as the suggestion about the pain in his back being a sign of good work. I'll wait and see. In the meantime, I'm left to wonder if it is a coincidence that the second shovel is just his size.